Thursday, February 22, 2007

Response to Senator Gould re: light rail

How can Sen. Ron Gould be a chair of the Senate transportation committee? Shouldn't he have an open mind? He is against light rail because "it is a debacle". Maybe that is true, because government is involved. But we have no better alternative, and we seem to work through the greed and misappropriation of government spending.

Today's cost is small compared to say seven years down the road. I remember when bay area residents were against BART because of the expense. In today's economy, the BART cost is now a pittance. Costs will increase. Now is the time to start with the light rail system even with government handling the funds.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

All You Can Eat

I enjoyed the message by Richard Gotthardt this morning at Grace Community Church. The message created a resolution in me to read the Scripture each day.

Richard says "Our appetites change and so does our appetite for the Word of God. We need to develop a craving for the Word of God."

to the words, situations and happenings in the days they were written. He says, "Put the Word of God and Spirit together."

1. Scripture is God's clear and authoritative Word to you. (2 Peter 1:21).

2. Scripture will lead me toward a blessed life. (Psalm 119:1). the word blessed has a rich meaning. We have used it often to "bless" someone when they sneeze or just to say have a "blessed" day. It is deeper than the connotation given in the sayings. Miriam-Webster dictionary defines blessed like this:

1 : to hallow or consecrate by religious rite or word
2 : to hallow with the sign of the cross
3 : to invoke divine care for -- used in the phrase bless you to wish good health especially to one who has just sneezed
4 a : PRAISE, GLORIFY b : to speak well of : APPROVE
5 : to confer prosperity or happiness upon

3. Scripture will lead me towards a blameless life. (Psalm 119:1). "Blameless means living above reproach." We think of perfection when we hear the word. It actually means:

1 : an expression of disapproval or reproach : CENSURE
2 a : a state of being blameworthy : CULPABILITY b archaic : FAULT, SIN
3 : responsibility for something believed to deserve censure

4. Scripture allows me to know God more intimately. (Psalm 119:2)

5. Scripture helps me to keep a clear conscience. (Psalm 119:6).

6. Scripture will keep me from sinning against God. (Psalm 119:9-11).